Famed athletics director, journalism professor and author dies at 78 Source: tallahassee.com
Posts published in “Wacissa”
Wacissa Florida
Hurricane Michael delivered a devastating blow to Apalachicola's once-booming oyster industry, which was already a shell of its former self long before the storm came…
Kiss the pecan crop goodbye and the cotton fields are not much better. Source: tallahassee.com
Linemen buzzed around broken power poles and downed lines Sunday around Grand Ridge, but the small farming community could have to wait weeks. …
New York, NY Aug 12th 2018 In a rash of excuses ranging from weather that never shows to wild fires, which are half legitimate, United…
This video is a product of the Visit Florida Campaign. Special thanks to them for the wonderful footage. Worth wathing! [embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PyEjofPRnQk[/embedyt]
http://www.mysuwanneeriver.org/dashboards/index.html Springs Dashboards An at-a-glance view of recent water quality and flows, and contributing factors affecting the spring and downstream water bodies. Springs Monitoring The…
[embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ORHljL8TLsM[/embedyt]
Kayak the beautiful waters of the Wacissa Florida
ATTORNEYS Ard, Shirley & Rudolph P.A. Nancy Hough 207 West Park Avenue, Suite B Tallahassee, FL 32303-1874 850-577-6500 nhough@asrlegal.com www.asrlegal.com Bruce A. Leinback P.A. 1820…
To set the record straight, the kids being separated from their parents and border detention isn’t a “Trump thing” as has been asserted by the…
Teachers in Arizona and Colorado turned their state Capitols into a sea of red Thursday as they kicked off widespread walkouts that shut down public…